Our Neurosurgical department has expertise in the most advanced surgical techniques and minimally invasive procedures for cranial, spinal and neurovascular surgery. Treatments will include surgical oncology, skull base and vascular neurosurgery, surgery for hydrocephalus and epilepsy, as well as a comprehensive complex spine surgery program.
We will offer a cutting edge and comprehensive service for patients with neurological conditions. Our team of neurologists include leading specialists in movement disorders, headache, neuroinflammation and MS, epilepsy and sleep disorders, peripheral nerve and muscle disorders, neurovascular disorders and stroke, cognitive disorders and vestibular disorders.
Working closely with all of our Neurosciences departments, the team will support outpatient studies, intra-operative cerebral and spinal monitoring, and inpatient services including dedicated video telemetry beds for complex sleep and epilepsy studies.
Our Neurorehabilitation unit is run by dedicated rehabilitation specialists. Using state-of-the-art robotic equipment and communication devices, our highly skilled therapists and nurses work together as a team to ensure all our patients achieve their personal goals and maximise recovery and function.