Cutting-edge treatments and expertise

Heart and Vascular

Our Heart & Vascular Institute includes a range of Cardiac, Vascular and Thoracic services, including surgical, interventional and diagnostic sub-specialties, with the exception of cardiac transplantation.

Department and roles

Cardiac Imaging

Our Cardiac Imaging Service takes advantage of state-of-the-art technology (including echocardiography diagnostics, Cardiac CT and Cardiac MRI) for use by our multimodality imaging specialists.


+ Consultant Cardiologists for Echo, CT and MRI
+ Consultant Cardiac Physiologists
+ Cardiac Physiologists

Cardiac Surgery

The Cardiac Surgery Service will offer the full range of adult cardiac surgery apart from cardiac transplantation. There will be a focus on advanced heart valve therapy, coronary revascularization, aortic disease and all aspects of minimally-invasive cardiovascular surgery. Consultants will have access to robotic technology, and there will be 24/7 support from Critical Care Consultants and Consultant Anaesthetists specialising in complex airway management.


+ Consultant Surgeons
+ Clinical Fellows (overlap with other surgical areas)
+ Clinical Nurse Specialists
+ Theatre nurses
+ Perfusionists


In our Electrophysiology department, the focus will be on advanced interventional treatment of all forms of electrophysiological disorders.


+ Consultant Electrophysiologists
+ Clinical Fellows
+ Catheter laboratory nursing staff (overlap with other cath lab staff)
+ Clinical Nurse Specialist

General Cardiology

Our Cardiology service covers all aspects of cardiovascular disease; supported by state-of-the-art multi-modality cardiac imaging (echocardiography, CT and MRI). We also work alongside sub-specialist experts in interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, heart muscle disease and sports cardiology


+ Specialist Imagers
+ Clinical Nurse Specialist

Heart Muscle Disease

Our expert consultants will provide specialised diagnostic and therapeutic services in all aspects of heart muscle disease including heart failure and inherited cardiac conditions.


+ Consultant Cardiologists
+ Clinical Fellows

Interventional Cardiology

Our Interventional Cardiology service is led by some of the world’s foremost specialists in the field. Here we offer the entire spectrum of cardiac interventional procedures, including simple and complex coronary angioplasty, transcatheter aortic and mitral valve interventions, along with more complex structural procedures.


+ Consultant Interventional Cardiologists
+ Clinical Fellows
+ Catheter Laboratory Nursing Staff
+ Clinical Nurse Specialists

Sports Cardiology

We will have a comprehensive sports cardiology service as part of sports medicine. The influential leader of this service has an international track record in sports cardiology for both professional athletes and patients engaged in recreational sport and activities.


+ Consultant Cardiologists
+ Cardiac Physiologists

Thoracic Surgery

The Thoracic Surgery department will encompass most aspects of adult thoracic surgery with a focus on thoracic cancer and chest wall reconstruction. There will be a particular focus on innovative procedures such as endoscopic and robotic thoracic surgical techniques. Consultants will have access to robotic technology, and there will be 24/7 support from Critical Care Consultants and Consultant Anaesthetists specialising in complex airway management.


+ Consultant Surgeons
+ Clinical Fellows (overlap with other surgical areas)
+ Clinical Nurse Specialists (overlap with other surgical areas)
+ Theatre nurses

Vascular Department

Vascular surgery will be provided by a multidisciplinary team comprised of Surgeons and Specialised Interventional Radiologists providing minimally invasive and percutaneous interventions. We will treat all aspects of vascular disease with a focus on the treatment of aortic aneurysms and deep venous disease.


+ Consultant Vascular Surgeons
+ Consultant Specialised Interventional Radiologists
+ Clinical Fellows (overlap with other surgical areas)
+ Clinical Nurse Specialists (overlap with other surgical areas)
+ Theatre nurses
+ Vascular Scientists

Learning & development

Helping our Caregivers grow

At Cleveland Clinic London, we’re committed to helping you grow in your career, and we’ll provide you with the right tools to develop new skills and help you set short and long-term goals. We’re also constantly working to refine our strategies and develop new pipelines to find the top specialists in their field.

At the forefront of healthcare

Whether it’s enrolling on a leadership development course, or being one of the first in the country to use new medical technology, when you join us, you can be sure that your knowledge will advance with industry innovations.

Tailored career development

We invest in continuous learning and development programmes. We blend traditional instructor-led training, with a variety of methods such as on-the-job training, online learning and simulations.

A learning culture

We have a learning culture of curiosity, ownership, openness and collaboration, and we’re committed to providing learning and development opportunities for Caregivers at all levels.

Ready to join us?

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